Uno de los mundos más fascinantes de México es el de sus textiles, tejido por las hábiles manos de mujeres que entrelazan cientos de historias. A muchas de ellas les gusta revivir estos cuentos. Pero, como no todos tenemos la fortuna de escuchar sus relatos maravillosos, he reunido en estas páginas algunos de ellos para ti.
Words like Strands of Yarn: Tales of our Grandmothers’ Traditional Garments. One of Mexico’s most fascinating legacies is its textile tradition, a world created by the skillful hands of countless women who weave hundreds of tales into their fabrics. Many of these women recount their stories when they teach their daughters how to weave. Since most of us don’t have the opportunity to hear these astounding accounts, writer Gabriela Olmos took the time to transcribe some of them within these pages.
Gabriela Olmos.