La hojalata nació a la sombra de su hermana mayor, la plata. Casi todos los objetos que se realizaban con el preciado metal tenían su humilde reflejo en hojalata. Y, aunque menos resistentes al tiempo, brillaban con intensidad. Esta edición da cuenta de los destellos fugaces de este material noble y versátil, aún llamado “la plata de los pobres”.

Tinwork. Tin emerged in the shadow of its more distinguished relative, silver. Almost every object made out of this precious metal also had a humbler likeness in tin. The copies may not have stood the test of time as well as the originals, but they shone just as brightly. And those brief glimmers are preserved in this issue devoted to a noble and versatile material, still known as “poor man’s silver.”

Lane Coulter, Martha J. Egan, Gloria Fraser Giffords, James S. Griffith. Coord.: Gloria Fraser Giffords.

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